Wednesday, February 12, 2014

be-my-valentine cupcakes


12   standard Rich Chocolate Cupcakes (see Recipe Center)
1/2  cup instant chocolate pudding or whipped cream
12   candy hearts with messages
3   cups Chocolate Buttercream Frosting (see Recipe Center)
1  4 1/4 ounce tube red Decorating Icing fitted with #16 star tip
72   heart-shaped red and pink candies


1. Cut off top (dome) of each cupcake. Scoop out 1 scant tablespoon of cake from center of each bottom. Fill each with about 1/2 tablespoon pudding. Place a candy heart in center and cover with cupcake top.
2. Frost cupcakes. Using icing, pipe a heart on each cupcake. Press red ad pink candies into frosting around cupcake edge. Makes 12 valentines.

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