Friday, February 7, 2014

full-steam-ahead fish


2  6  ounces orange roughy or other fish fillets 
small fresh basil leaves
1   clove garlic, minced
2   teaspoons shredded fresh ginger
1   cup thinly sliced sweet peppers
8   ounces asparagus spears, trimmed


1. Make bias cuts about 3/4-inch apart into the fish fillets. (Do not cut completely through fish.) Tuck 1 or 2 whole basil leaves into each cut. Rub fillets with garlic and ginger.
2. Place peppers and asparagus in a steamer basket. Top with fish. Place basket into a large, deep saucepan or wok in which 1-inch of water is boiling. Cover; steam 6 to 8 minutes or until fish just flakes easily when tested with a fork. Makes 2 servings.

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