Friday, February 7, 2014

lemon-herb grilled fish


2   small blue-fish or striped bass (each 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 pounds, cleaned weight)
1/4  teaspoon salt
1/4  teaspoon ground black pepper
1   lemon, sliced into 8 slices
2   sprigs fresh thyme
4   cloves garlic, peeled 
Remoulade (recipe, below)

1/2  cup light mayonnaise
1   tablespoon sweet pickle relish
2   teaspoons lemon juice 
dash hot-pepper sauce


1. Prepare outdoor grill with medium-low to medium coals, or heat gas grill to medium-low to medium (to broil, see Note below).
2. Rinse fish; pat dry. Cut 3 slashes on each side. Season with salt, pepper.
3. Stuff 3 lemon slices in cavity of each fish. Add thyme and 2 cloves garlic to each cavity.
4. Grill fish 6 inches from heat, covered, 10 to 12 minutes, until just beginning to char. Flip over carefully. Cover each eye with one of remaining lemon slices. Grill 12 to 15 minutes more, until flesh is white throughout.
5. Transfer fish to platter. For each, pry up top fillet in one piece, flipping over, skin side down. Beginning at tail, carefully pull up end of spine of fish, and lift up, removing whole backbone. Remove any small bones from fish. Serve with Remoulade. Makes 4 servings.

1. Mix mayonnaise, sweet pickle relish, lemon juice, dash hot-pepper sauce. Makes about 1/2 cup.

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